Peggy Vander Meulen

Years at OCCS- 2010 to present
Work background- I was a cosmetologist and I worked for Wal-Mart until my retirement and then I started working and volunteering at OCCS.
Family- I have one daughter, Shelly, who is married to Kevin Van Peursem and lives in Sioux Falls, SD. They have 3 children, Tyler, who is married to Danielle and they have 3 children, Lillian, Gemma and Iver, Kelsey and Devin. They all live and work in Sioux Falls.
Faith statement- My faith is in the Lord and knowing that He is with me through all the times in my life when things are good and when things are not so good. He has the answers to our questions and He will be with us if we trust in Him.
Psalm 100: 5 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.
I am a member of Trinity Reformed Church in Orange City.