Friday Care
The OCCS Friday Care program is available to students who attend our preschool and/or kindergarten. This program runs the same school dates and times as Orange City Christian School. Participation in the 2024-25 school year for a full year of Friday Care is $720, with Hot Lunch offered for an additional fee.
Friday Care Drop-In Spots (click to sign-up)
There will be a limited number of Friday Care Drop-in spots available each week on a first come first serve basis for families who do not need year-long care. The cost for Drop-In Friday Care is $35.00 per day, and will be billed through your JMC Account. Available sign-ups spots will be available using the signup above until Wednesday at noon of the week requested. Please contact Missy Brummel at mbrummel@occhristian.pvt.k12.ia.us or the school office at 712-737-2274 with questions.
Forms Required before attending Friday Care and/or Cubs Care:
Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization
Friday Care Information:
- Friday Care is available each Friday from 8:00-3:30.
- There is no Friday care if there is no school.
- If there is a 12:00 or 1:30 dismissal for OCCS, Friday Care dismisses at the same time.
- We offer Friday care to preschool and kindergarten students of OCCS.
- Cost is $720 for the year for preschool students
- Cost is $540 for the year for kindergarten students (due to 5 days/week kindergarten in 4th quarter)
- Drop-in care is welcome provided there are spots available.
- For more information, contact Missy Brummel at mbrummel@orangecitychristian.net