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At OCCS, we work to partner with parents by providing a Christian Education that supports the work done at home. Use the links to the right for access to JMC (registration information, online grades (5th-8th), and tuition balance), information on Tiger PAWS, and details regarding our counseling services.

If you are new to OCCS, or have questions about policies and procedures at our school, check out our Parent Handbook below.


Parent Handbook


Athletic Handbook


Computer/Internet Use Policy


Dress Code


Middle School Policies


Wellness Policy



Athletic Physical Form


Concussion Form

  Name Title Group Contact
Jason Alons Alons, Jason Principal Office Staff 712-737-2274 x202
Michelle Alons Alons, Michelle 4th-8th grade Counselor Counselors, Middle School 712-737-2274 x216
Noelle Altman Altman, Noelle 1st-8th Art Teacher Elementary, Middle School 737-2274
Kari Bousema Bousema, Kari Administrative Assistant Office Staff
Lorinda Breems Breems, Lorinda Para-Professional Elementary
Missy Brummel Brummel, Missy Cubs Care & Friday Care Covenant Kids, Elementary
Karlyn Brunst Brunst, Karlyn 6th-8th Bible, 8th Literature Middle School 712-737-2274 x223
Anna De Groot De Groot, Anna School Nurse/Receptionist Office Staff 712-737-2274 x225
Heidi De Groot De Groot, Heidi Assistant Cook
Travis De Jong De Jong, Travis Development Director Middle School, Office Staff 712-737-2274 x203
Autumn Den Boer Den Boer, Autumn 7th and 8th Language Arts & 7th Literature Middle School 712-737-2274 x212
Erin Driesen Driesen, Erin Middle School Resource Room Elementary, Middle School 712-737-2274 x227
Melissa Dykstra Dykstra, Melissa Para-Professional Elementary
Wendy Eason Eason, Wendy Assistant Cook
Heidi Griess Griess, Heidi Resource Teacher Elementary 712-737-2274
Kortney Haan Haan, Kortney 6th-8th Math Teacher Middle School 712-737-2274 x214
Jo Ellen Harvey Harvey, Jo Ellen 5th and 6th Grade Middle School 712-737-2274 x211
Courtney Hellinga Hellinga, Courtney TRIP Coordinator/Receptionist Office Staff 712-737-2274 x204
Randy Hilbelink Hilbelink, Randy 6th-8th Social Studies Middle School 712-737-2274 x213
Ardene Huisman Huisman, Ardene 1st Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x238
Kim Huizenga Huizenga, Kim 5th-8th General Music, Band, Choir Middle School 712-737-2274 x208
Laura Joustra Joustra, Laura 4th Grade Teacher Elementary 712-737-2274 x220
Lydia Kerekes Kerekes, Lydia 1st Grade Teacher Elementary 737-2274
Hope Kreykes Kreykes, Hope Para-Professional Elementary, Middle School
Darrel Kroese Kroese, Darrel Custodian 712-737-2274
Diane Krommendyk Krommendyk, Diane First Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x239
Jennifer Mills Mills, Jennifer 5th Grade Middle School 712-737-2274 x234
Delanie Niemyer Niemyer, Delanie K-8 Physical Education Elementary, Middle School 737-2274
Jennifer Noteboom Noteboom, Jennifer 2nd Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x218
Maria Noteboom Noteboom, Maria 2nd Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x217
Rachel Oolman Oolman, Rachel Para-Professional Elementary
Rachelle Oordt Oordt, Rachelle 5th, 6th, & 7th grade Science Middle School 712-737-2274 x210
Kim Philipsen Philipsen, Kim STEPS Coordinator Elementary, Middle School 712-737-2274 x237
Kinsey Schiebout Schiebout, Kinsey Para-professional Middle School
Crista Smidt Smidt, Crista Counselor (PS–4th grade) Counselors, Elementary 712-737-2274 x216
Allison Timmermans Timmermans, Allison Kindergarten Teacher Elementary 712-737-2274
Sheila Van Den Brink Van Den Brink, Sheila 3rd Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x221
Bill Van Marel Van Marel, Bill Para-professional Middle School
Matt Van Schepen Van Schepen, Matt Technology Coordinator, Assistant Principal, 8th Grade Science Middle School, Office Staff 712-737-2274 x209
Peggy Vander Meulen Vander Meulen, Peggy Lunch Room Monitor
Pam Vander Schaaf Vander Schaaf, Pam Assistant Cook
Josie Vander Stoep Vander Stoep, Josie 3rd Grade Teacher Elementary 712-737-2274 x222
Lori Wassenaar Wassenaar, Lori Secretary Office Staff 712-737-2274 x204
Dixie Wielenga Wielenga, Dixie K-4 Music, 4-8 Orchestra Elementary, Middle School 712-737-2274 x233
Jen Wielenga Wielenga, Jen Librarian Elementary, Middle School 712-737-2274 x228
Melanie Witt Witt, Melanie 4th Grade Elementary 712-737-2274 x219
Kristina Wolf Wolf, Kristina Kindergarten Elementary 712-737-2274 x230
Kyndara Woudstra Woudstra, Kyndara Para-Professional Middle School
Anna Zeutenhorst Zeutenhorst, Anna Covenant Kids Preschool Director Covenant Kids 712-737-2274 x232
Shawn Zwart Zwart, Shawn Resource Room Elementary 712-737-2274 x215