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Cubs Care is an afternoon childcare option for students attending our morning preschool, will be available Monday – Thursday, and run the same calendar schedule as our preschool program. The cost for the 2024-25 school year will be:  4-day option is $2,600,  and the cost for the 2-day option is $1,500 for the year.  Hot Lunch will be offered for an additional fee.

If you select the 2-day option, you can choose your specific days of the week for the year.

Those who would like to participate in this program can enroll by contacting the school at 712-737-2274 or emailing 

Friday Care will be an additional charge, and will be billed separately.  More information on Friday care can be found HERE. Both programs will be led by Mrs. Brummel. 

We will cap the Cubs Care at 20 students. The order of enrollment will be as follows:  

1 - Children of OCCS employees

2 - Children with siblings at OCCS

3 - Children who have been in the preschool before

4 - Children choosing 4 days

Within each of those levels is a first come/first serve order based on the timestamp of the form.

If you have questions, please contact Mr. Alons.

Typical Schedule:

11:15 Arrival
11:20 Lunch
11:55 Recess
12:45 Rest time
1:15 Stations
2:00 Recess
2:20 Play time
3:25 Dismissal

Library: Wednesday @ 2:30
Singing: 2 times a week with K-3 students
