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Sheila Van Den Brink

Sheila Van Den Brink
3rd Grade
Phone: 712-737-2274 x221
Groups: Elementary

Years at OCCS:  2002 - present

Professional Experience - 34 Years  
From 1989 - 2000 I taught at Sheldon Christian School in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade.  I substituted for one year after my son Levi was born.  In 2001 to 2002 I had the opportunity to teach 5th - 8th grade part time at Hospers Christian.  I then came in 2002 to teach at Orange City Christian School.  I have taught in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade while at Orange City Christian.  

I am married to Dave.  We have two grown sons.  Kaleb is living in Alton, Levi is married to Breanna and living in Alton as well. Dave is the President of People’s Bank in Sheldon. He currently serves on the Village Northwest Unlimited board, Unity & Orange City Christian School Foundation boards, and on Leadership at church.  Our family attends Trinity Reformed Church and we are actively involved in Children’s ministry, freezer meal ministry, and small group leaders of our couples’ Bible study there.  As a family we enjoy many outdoor activities such as fishing, swimming, walking, hiking, camping, and hunting.  We also consider our two Yellow Lab dogs,  Sadie and Bella, to be a part of the family!

Faith Statement
I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Savior.  It is only through his grace, I as a sinner am saved.  My belief is that Christ is the center of every part of my life. God has given me the passion, desire, and calling to become a Christian educator.  As a Christian educator I have the opportunity to work alongside parents and the church in helping children grow in their faith, knowledge of God's word, and in the understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Christ.  It is important to educate students not only with head knowledge, but in knowing how to put this knowledge into action to serve Christ.  I know I am only able to do this with God's help and guidance every day.  Each student I teach is an image-bearer of Christ and it is a blessing from God to be their teacher!  I pray that each day I am a servant to others:  my family, my students, and all I may come in contact with throughout the day.  May Christ be glorified through me!
