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Rachelle Oordt

Rachelle Oordt
5th, 6th, & 7th grade Science
Phone: 712-737-2274 x210

Years at OCCS :  5

Educational Background:  Dordt College for Middle school Education with a Science emphasis

Professional Experience:  12 years at MOC-FV Middle School  5 years Substitute teaching  5 Years at OCCS

Family/Personal:  Eric— engineer at Interstates in Sioux Center, Jenna -JR at Unity Christian, Emily- Sophomore at Unity Christian, Becca- 5th Grader OCCS, Abigail 3rd grader OCCS. Our family enjoys being outdoors, camping, and hiking.  My own hobbies include helping with nature camp in the summer at Oak Grove, scrapbooking and watching my girls play sports and music. 

Faith Statement:

Church Membership: Calvary CRC - Orange City
