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Missy Brummel

Missy Brummel
Cubs Care & Friday Care

Years at OCCS: 13

Education Background: Graduated from Dordt College with Elementary Education, Physical Education K-12, Recreation Degree and a Coaching Endorsement.

Professional Experience: 
Saipan Community School: K-8 PE, 6th-8th health, head librarian and coach of basketball, track and volleyball.
Doon Christian: taught multiple subjects for multiple grades
Doon Christian: 3rd-5th homeroom, 3rd-8th PE, soccer, basketball, volleyball and track coach
Bethany Christian Services: Abstinence Educator 
OCCS: Kindergarten para for 10 years
OCCS: K-3 PE, Cubs Care & Friday Care

My husband Doug and I have 3 kids. Ryne is a freshman at Unity, Arie is a 7th grader at OCCS and Bailey is a 5th grader at OCCS also. Doug is head custodian at Unity. So between Doug and I, the kids have always had a parent at their school :) As a family you can find us at most sporting activities. If we aren't at a gym on Saturdays, we are at Locomotion Lanes, where all 3 kids bowl in a jr program. In the summers, I love to be outside as much as possible and most of the time I have a book. I love to read!!! My favorite book is Homer Price. 

Faith Statement:
I grew up in a Christian home, going to church and Sunday School every Sunday. On Wednesday's, I went to a youth group and I even attended a Christian School where I had chapel that day also. It wasn't until I was on our track spring break trip my junior year at Dordt that I started to see others that had a personal relationship with Jesus. I made profession of faith and changed my faith from my parents to my own. I got excited about reading the Bible, praying became part of my every day life and I went to church for my spiritual growth, not because it is what you are supposed to do. As I have aged, I have grown an appreciation for reading the Bible. I feel there is so many new things to learn and I get excited to tell people about what I have learned. I look forward to Bible Study nights and I can't wait to share insights and thoughts and even questions with the ladies. 

Church Membership:
Our family attends Immanuel CRC in Orange City. It is the church where Doug and I were married and where all the kids were baptized. 
