Travis De Jong

Years at OCCS: 2014-present
Education Background:
B.A. Dordt College in Physical Education with Health minor (2008)
M.Ed. Dordt University in Sports Leadership (2023)
Professional Experience:
2008-2014 - K-8 Physical Education Teacher and Junior High Athletic Director at Isaac Newton Christian Academy in Cedar Rapids, IA
2014-present - K-8 Physical Education, Junior High Athletic Director, Development Director
Family: My wife, Kari, and I have been married for 10 years. We have three children: Briggs (2nd grade), Krew (Kindergarten), and Declyn (3 years old).
Faith Statement: Working at a Christian school such as Orange City Christian is an honor. The support that is received from administration, board members, and fellow staff members is very much appreciated. I have been involved in Christian Education my entire life. It has had a great impact on my life. As a teacher, I hope to have that same positive impact on my students. It is a privilege to work with these students to develop their walk with the Lord.
Church Membership: Calvary Christian Reformed Church of Orange City